Diagnostics tool for LP configuration available

To help finding issues in some users’ LivePrompter configurations, I’ve built a little diagnostics tool that will load your LivePrompter.ini and check through the configuration. It can be especially helpful in troubleshooting MIDI issues when LivePrompter simply won’t react to MIDI commands sent and it’s difficult to guess what the cause may be.

Download the ZIP file here, copy the file “LP Diagnostics.exe” contained in it to your LivePrompter program directory (the one with LivePrompter.exe in it!) and start it there. It will by default read your LivePrompter.ini file, but you can also make it load other INI files (there’s a menu item for that).

Once it has run its standard diagnostics, the tool will display – and to some extent interpret – incoming MIDI data, so you can see better what may be causing any issues you find. You can also (if you’ve configured them in LivePrompter.ini) send MIDI commands like Play/Pause to your connected software.

If you’re stuck with your config, give this a try!



1 Comment

  1. John Bedggood
    July 4, 2021

    Thanks Torsten. This is incredibly helpful!


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