Please update LivePrompter 2 to latest version

A quick heads-up to all users: if you haven’t updated LivePrompter 2 in a while, I highly recommend you to this now / in the next couple of days. The most current version is 1.4.5 across all platforms – best update your LivePrompter 2 installation now!

Here is why: for the upcoming version 1.4.6, which brings a number of user-requested new features, I had to remove some legacy code to be compatible with the latest versions of the development environment. Part of this legacy code was the functionality to import source data from older versions of LivePrompter 2 (pre-1.4.5). Unfortunately, this import code cannot carry over into 1.4.6, so when you upgrade from a pre-1.4.5 version to 1.4.6, your current sources will be lost and you’ll have to create them again. Not a big problem, since no song data gets lost, but a pain nonetheless.

Updating from 1.4.5 to 1.4.6 should be problem-free with no loss of any data.

Therefore – especially if you’re running LivePrompter 2 on Android or iOS, please update to the latest version over the next couple of days. I plan to release version 1.4.6 in the first half of March, so it is best to have all source data migrated to the new format to avoid migration hassles when 1.4.6 is installed.

If you are using the Windows or macOS versions, I’ll keep version 1.4.5 available for dowload for some time in parallel to the new version, so you can have more time to migrate – unfortunately, Apple and Google don’t allow parallel versions in their app stores.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

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